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Star*Interview Session

Dharmesh Shah, Co-Founder & CTO of HubSpot

Dharmesh Shah, Co-Founder & CTO of Hubspot in conversation with Dr. Narath Carlile, Founder of MakeTimeFlow, will explore how Hubspot grew from desks in the CIC Innovation Campus into one of the world’s leading CRM platforms, and discuss the skills every entrepreneur needs to develop to flourish in the new economy.

(Recorded Jun 22, 2023)


MakeTimeFlow Learning Session

From 'Crazy Busy' to Crazy Productive

How to actually get done what matters most and make progress on your biggest life priorities.

(Recorded May 14, 2023)


MakeTimeFlow Learning Session

Sustainable Impact

Strategies to boost your personal and team outcomes (without burning out)

(Recorded Apr 13, 2023)


Star*Entrepreneur Interview

Nick Patel, Founder / CEO - Wellable

Dr. Narath Carlile speaks with superstar entrepreneurs from the Boston innovation scene about approaches to productivity, life balance, sustainable work and having an impact without burnout. In this episode: a conversation with Wellable founder Nick Patel on both helping companies thrive through wellness, and insights into Wellable's internal strategies and experiences.

(Recorded Feb 16, 2023)


Deep Currents series - Episode 3

How to Make Flow and Deep Work Your Superpowers

Make 2023 the year you achieve your best work and biggest goals yet. Learn how to tap into deep work and flow to boost your productivity and impact.

(Recorded Jan 12, 2023)


Star*Entrepreneur Interview

Eagle Wu, Co-Founder / CEO - VinciVR

Eagle Wu, Co-Founder / CEO - VinciVR speaks with Dr. Narath Carlile on work culture, life balance, and toxic vs. healthy team norms.

(Recorded Dec 15, 2022)


Deep Currents series - Episode 1

Maximizing your impact with powerful time techniques

How to boost focus and productivity in a world bent on distraction.

(Recorded Nov 17, 2022)