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Competing Priorities? Distracted?

 Start being more intentional, and start seeing results.

Introducing the Flow TimeBox: a smart timer that helps you think multi-dimensionally about time.

Designed by Boston physician Dr. Narath Carlile to support his own focus and thriving, the TimeBox is a hand-built tactile device with 4 timer-rows to manage your four most common 'buckets' of time. 

  • Assign the 4 rows as you wish (e.g. Priority Work, Research, Chores, etc) and see data visualizations of your time usage
  • Each row has 4 timers (5, 10, 25 and 45 minutes)
  • Non-intrusive silent timers use flashing light, not loud sounds 
  • Connects via wifi to the Flow App so you can track progress
  • Wireless, but comes with USB-C charging cord
  • Includes video learning course on how to use time, planning, flow and mindful productivity to flourish in life.
Tired of touchscreens? So are we. Handcrafted in retro style for people who love button panels, the TimeBox features deep-press silicone buttons and jewel-tone LED buttons. Each unit is custom built by hand in Brookline, Massachusetts.

"The impact on my well being and my professional productivity has been enormous. I will never go back to my old way of doing things."

Rob Larity, CMT, CFA
Founder & Chief Investment Officer,
Cognitive Investments

Life proceeds from your intentions. Stay focused.

TimeTimer ®

A simple tabletop timer if you are just getting started with becoming intentional with your time.

Type of Timer: Hardware only
Connectivity / Data: No
Cost: About $24 per timer
(Note: this is an affiliate link, and we are paid royalties from the purchase from this link)

Session Timer

A software timer based on the Pomodoro method, with beautiful app and granular tracking data.

Type of Timer: App only
Connectivity / Data: Yes, with Pro
Cost: Free, or Pro $5/mo or $40/yr
(Note: we are not affiliated with this company, we just like their app)

Flow TimeBox + Masterclasses

A complete timer ecosystem with light-based tactile buttons, app, nudges, data & virtual masterclasses on cognitive high performance. Stay accountable.

Type of Timer: Hardware + App
Connectivity / Data: Yes
Cost: $99 Timer (one-time) + $9.99/mo for Data, Reporting, Automated Nudges & Support

In minutes a day, transform old mindsets and stressful time patterns into purpose-driven productivity that feels great.


How does the TimeBox help move you forward?

Flow TimeBox (1200 × 800 px)

Creates Space In Your Day For What Matters

The 4 rows of timers provide a simple multidimensional framework for thinking about your time: Priority 1 & 2, Chores, and Golden.


Improves Your Cognitive Performance

The TimeBox helps you build in powerful neuroscience-proven productivity boosters like Breaks, Deep Work, and Flow.

High-Performance-Man-Jumping flipped

Measures & Validates 'Golden Time' and Flow

Your best ideas come when you're exploring and noodling. Use the power of play to accelerate creativity, innovation and impact.

Guaranteed results.

Why Not Try a TimeBox? It's Absolutely Risk-Free. 
If the Flow TimeBox isn't a good fit for you, get a 100% Refund. Fair and easy.

(It's not for everyone, but those who love it, swear by it) 

"The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade."

Benjamin Franklin 
Early master of accomplishment through timeboxing

Other Ways To Get The MakeTimeFlow Experience 


Unlock the power of intentionality, focus and productivity with the TimeBox timer, fully integrated with the MakeTimeFlow platform.

  • Flow TimeBox smart timer
  • Self-Guided App, learning, tools & data
  • $99 device purchase + $9.99 / mo 
  • Cancel anytime

Full Platform

Get the complete MakeTimeFlow platform, including the TimeBox timer, monthly Workbook, App & Data.

  • Flow Timebox smart timer
  • Self-guided, start instantly
  • $49.99 / mo inclusive
  • Cancel anytime

Full Platform + Coaching

Get the Full Platform, plus personalized guidance and support.

  • Everything in Full Platform, plus
  • Private coaching session 30 min monthly
  • $149 / mo inclusive
  • Cancel anytime

The MakeTimeFlow Platform


Flow TimeBox

The TimeBox device helps you work with focus & purpose, and to avoid rabbit holes.


App & Nudges

Build better habits, set reminders, learn, and track your personal progress in the App.


Flow Workbook

A robust paper planner for reflection, goal setting and planning mos/weeks/days.

Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 3.06.12 PM

Thrive Coaching

Work with a Flow coach to set personal goals, create clear pathways to success, and stay accountable.

Your Time is your most valuable asset.

You can rise to the next level in your productivity and life balance.
How much is that worth to you?

Developed By

Narath Carlile, MD MPH

Founder, MakeTimeFlow

An excellent,
supportive and wise coach.

Lisa V. Adams MD, Associate Dean, Dartmouth

Narath is fantastic.

Veterans leadership training participant


Dr. Narath Carlile is an educator, innovator and physician who works on the issue of human flourishing through the lens of  cognitive high performance and time mastery.

He trained at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Clinical Informatics, with additional expertise in Global Health, Social Equity, and Health Innovation. 

Narath holds a BSc in Computer Science (York), MD (Dartmouth) and MPH (Harvard). He is also recipient of multiple awards, including the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award and the Excellence in Medicine American Medical Association Foundation Leadership Award, and a member of the Alpha Omega Medical Honor Society and the Gold Humanism in Medicine Honor Society. 

Originally from Durban, South Africa, Narath grew up in Canada and now resides with his family in Boston.

He founded MakeTimeFlow with Heli Tuomi as a platform for sharing science-based, actionable knowledge with individuals and organizations interested in improving well-being and outcomes through better focus and time allocation. 

Brings home the relevance of how valuable and powerful your time and attention actually are, how a lot of us squander it on things that don't matter, and how to change that. Adopting the Flow way feels like a serious level-up. It's actually life-changing.

Hagan C., Creative Director & Producer

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions beyond these common ones, write to us.
We're here to help you succeed.

What if I don't see results?

If you try MakeTimeFlow and it doesn't get you results, just write to us for to receive a full refund within 30 days of starting the program. We're here to help you succeed.

Can I join MakeTimeFlow from any country?

MakeTimeFlow subscriptions are currently only available in the United States.

If you’d like to make a special request from outside of the U.S., we may be able to accommodate international clients on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to meet to discuss your request, please get in touch at, text/call us +1-617-399-8185, or book a Zoom meeting at and we'll be happy to work with you.

How does the Guarantee work?

We offer a simple 100% money-back guarantee because we believe in the effectiveness of the MakeTimeFlow approach.

If you're on a month-by-month Subscription, you can cancel at any time and request a full refund of paid monthly dues. Within the first 3 months, we will refund the full amount. Beyond the first 3 months, you can cancel and request a full refund of the current month's dues. If you purchased a TimeBox device, you can return it for a full refund within 3 months of purchase.

Can I refer a friend or colleague?

Yes, and we offer a generous referral option: If you refer a friend of colleague, you'll both receive $150 off the Annual Membership.


"I went from being skeptical of 'yet another system' to being a strong believer in this MakeTimeFlow approach. The impact on my well being and my professional productivity has been enormous.


I used time-blocking and a hodgepodge of other methods before, but I never had the diligence to stick with them. MakeTimeFlow put me over the edge and finally got me into a rhythm of managing my time thoughtfully and well. 

I could feel the change not just in my productivity, but even at the bodily level, with less frantic running around, less stress, etc. 

MakeTimeFlow is NOT a 'system' or a gimmick. It is a method for taking all the best elements from all the other various systems, using rigorous science to gauge what actually has value, and then putting together a FRAMEWORK for diligently applying them to your day-to-day. 

The most important part of MakeTimeFlow, for me, are the physical objects -- the timer, and the notebook. To have something physical on the desk, that you can carry around with you, is key.


This is a system that respects your intelligence and, I'm sure, will change in time as new and better research is incorporated into the framework. 

I went from being skeptical of 'yet another system' to being a strong believer in this MakeTimeFlow approach. 

The impact on my well being and my professional productivity has been enormous. 

I will never go back to my old way of doing things."

Rob Larity, Founder & CIO
Cognitive Investments