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MakeTimeFlow Retreat participants share their transformative experiences and stories.

"Excellent… Narath offers not only vital information/expertise, but warmth and empathy that allows participants to engage fully."

Untitled design (5)
Participant, Harvard & MIT 'Surviving to Thriving' Workshop, Cambridge MA

"Friendly and engaging... Got me to spend a day thinking about my processes; made me feel committed to improving how I do things."

Untitled design (5)
Participant, Harvard & MIT 'Surviving to Thriving' Workshop, Cambridge MA

"Exceeded expectations! :-)"

Untitled design (5)
Participant, Harvard & MIT 'Surviving to Thriving' Workshop, Cambridge MA

"Awesome! Good topics – very pertinent."

Untitled design (5)
Participant, Harvard & MIT 'Surviving to Thriving' Workshop, Cambridge MA

"Super helpful! ...practical and easy to follow. The concepts can be easily transferred to an academic or job professional environment. The speakers were very professional. Great way to share the content, clear and dynamic. Everything so organized, the small details make the difference; personalized place card, resources, food, great content."

Untitled design (5)
Participant, Harvard & MIT 'Surviving to Thriving' Workshop, Cambridge MA